Our views on the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework

Our views on the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework
31st July 2024

Adrian Plant, Director of SOWN, has shared his views on the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF):

"It is encouraging to hear from Angela Rayner’s statement that the government will address housing affordability by significantly increasing the housebuilding programme. More specifically, the increase in social and affordable housing is very welcome at a time when an increasing number of people are unable to get onto the first rung of the ladder.

"But the blanket omission of shared ownership from any recent announcement - the Labour manifesto, Planning and Infrastructure Bill and the statement is, I believe, a mistake.

"We are seeing ever-increasing demand for shared ownership among an increasingly wide demographic. The beauty of shared ownership is that it does not necessarily require government subsidy, but it does require government support both in requiring shared ownership through policy and promoting shared ownership through government-assisted marketing.

"It was disappointing to see that despite promises of a radical overhaul of the NPPF, the wording on shared ownership remains unchanged. And there is just one reference in the 84 pages. To me, this represents a lack of understanding and appreciation in shared ownership which probably extends to other forms of intermediate housing.

"Shared ownership is a potential win:win for the government – good quality homes which address the housing crisis, at no additional cost. With such bold targets, the government is unwise to overlook its potential."

You can read a transcript of the Deputy Prime Minister's statement to the House here.


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